segunda-feira, 18 de maio de 2009

Marisa & Alberto

"que não separe o homem, o que Deus uniu"

e viverão juntos e felizes para sempre...

Beijo grande repleto de muitas felicidades para os dois...

segunda-feira, 10 de março de 2008

Winged dream

Winged dream

Come to me, frow heaven upon,
Blowing brises of love and life!
Comes flying in her winged dream...
Comes searching for her enchanted prince!

Her little and fragile heart,
unbridledly, without reason!

Come running with no direction,
With hurry to arrive nowhere!
Comes looking for an old passion,
That overwhelms her without reason!

Stormed by winds and tides,
Hostiles to her kind feelings,
Shaking what is yet to come,
Knocking down fragile hopes and faiths!

But there is someone who does not quit!
Who even alone, still insists!
And keeps flying in her winged dream...
And keeps searching for her enchanted prince...

quinta-feira, 6 de março de 2008

For who you cry

For who you cry

For who you cry, princess?
For who your eyes get lost in the horizon?
To who you dedicate such sadness,
That freezes the most pure of the fountains?

I am your servent, sworn to protect you
Against any menace or danger!
Outrages me, to see you suffering,
And I suffer with you and for you!

I am your guardian, sworn fight for you
Against any enemy!
Outrages me, to see you crying,
And I cry with you and for you!

Tell me, for who your heart beats...
For who your dreams get lost...
For who you get sad without reason...
For who your feelings are dedicated...

I swear that I willl search for him,
Day and night without rest!
I swear I will fight for him!
I swear I will die for him,
If my life I have to give
And if that is the price to pay
To stop seeing you suffering
And once again a smile shine on your face!

segunda-feira, 23 de julho de 2007


"Entre dois beijos abrimos mão de reinos e províncias".

William Shakespeare, da peça "António e Cleópatra"

quarta-feira, 14 de março de 2007



Pelos meus medos, fui vencido...
Pelo meu temor, fui derrotado...
Por tudo isso, fui desterrado
E da terra do amor fui banido!

Mereço eu, a compaixão de alguém?!
Serei eu um pobre desvalido,
De sentimentos e afectos despido,
Sem direito a qualquer bem?!

Te suplico, meu anjo, por ti anseio...
Ao vento, lanço o meu pedido:
Vem acabar com o meu receio!

Ao teu encanto, estou rendido!
Preciso de ti, não há outro meio!
Longe de ti, estou perdido...

quinta-feira, 7 de dezembro de 2006

One of my poems

Far away

I don't feel the beat of my heart,
In this cold winter night!
And is not the ice, but the Hell
Of your absence without reason
That imprisons my shattered heart!

You wounded my chest, with your majesty,
With your high pose, of beautiful princess
That with a gesture raises empires,
With the same strength and certitude
As when you destroy false mysterys!

You humiliate this poor and weak mortal,
Lying down on the ground before your eyes!
I beg you, don't hurt me!
Make me stop desiring you... loving you!
I beg you merciful clemency,
To break me free from your magic,
That captured my soul!

I live with your voice lost in my thoughts
Wispering songs of a passion
That inflames my poor feelings!
I drean with your delicate hand,
Touching dewy flowers, at sunrise
Expecting anxiously to be one of the petals!

I've lost myself... in you! And I don't want to find me again!
I want to love you....
I want to feel you...
And I don't want see you leaving again!

quinta-feira, 9 de novembro de 2006

Words of life...

I'm sorry for my lausy english, but I had only three years on school to learn it! And the translation obviously is not professional, but is the better I can do... at least all my international friends can enjoy some of the posts in this blog! For all of you, enjoy your life with some of this quotes on your mind!

"God give us every day a moment in wich is possible change everything that make us unhappy. That moment when a "yes" or a "no" can change completely our existence."

Paulo Coelho

" I may have moods, live ansious and be angry sometimes, but I do not forget that my life is the biggest enterprise of the world. And I know that I can avoid bankruptcy. Being happy is recognize that is worth living, despite all the challenges, incompreensions and periods of crisis. Being happy is no longer be the victim of problems and became the author of is own story. It is crossing deserts outside himself, but be capable of finding an oasis on the deepest conner of his soul. It is be thankful to God each morning for the miracle of life. Being happy is not be afraid of his own feelings. It is knowing to talk about himself. It is have the courage to ear a "no". It is being strong to receive a critic, even when unfair. Rocks in my way? I keep them all, one of these days I will build a castle..."

Fernando Pessoa